rich-iannone / splitr

Use the HYSPLIT model from inside R and do more with it
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Trajectories are not running in R, please please help #59

Open Kaukura-88 opened 3 years ago

Kaukura-88 commented 3 years ago

Good day guys. I am very new to splitR. I need to plot multiple trajectories in Hysplit. I have been following the script provided in rich-iannone package. I have been running into errors, can someone please help me.

This is the error that I get. Is there a way of fixing this?

Error in hysplit_trajectory(traj_name = "t2", return_traj_df = TRUE, start_lat_deg = 42.83752, : unused arguments (return_traj_df = TRUE, start_lat_deg = 42.83752, start_long_deg = -80.30364, start_height_m_AGL = 5, simulation_duration_h = 24, backtrajectory = FALSE, vertical_motion_option = 0, top_of_model_domain_m = 20000, run_type = "day", run_day = "2012-03-12", daily_hours_to_start = c("00", "06", "12", "18"), path_met_files = "C:/hysplit4/met/RP201203", path_output_files = "C:/hysplit4/output/", path_wd = "C:/hysplit4/working/", path_executable = "C:/hysplit4/exec/")