rich-iannone / splitr

Use the HYSPLIT model from inside R and do more with it
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Error in Executing HYSPLIT Trajectories and File Copy Issues with splitr #84

Open oijun33 opened 2 months ago

oijun33 commented 2 months ago


I am attempting to perform trajectory analysis using the splitr package, specifically using the hysplit_trajectory function. However, I am encountering several issues that prevent successful execution. The details of the problems are as follows:

Execution File Error: The command fails and returns error code 1. The specific command executed is (cd "C:\hysplit\exec" && "" > NUL 2>&1), which indicates that the executable name is not specified in the command. File Copy Issues: It appears that the expected output files do not exist. For example, attempts to copy the file 'C:\hysplit\exec\traj--bwd-21-01-10-00-1lat_36p7769_lon_126p4939-hgt_500--72h' to another location failed because the file does not exist. My environment setup is as follows:

Windows 11 R version 4.2 Latest version of the splitr package

The code I used for execution is as follows: trajectory <- hysplit_trajectory( lat = 36.7769, # Start latitude lon = 126.4939, # Start longitude height = 500, # Start height in meters duration = -72, # Duration for each trajectory run (in hours, backward) days = seq(ymd("2021-01-10"), ymd("2021-01-15"), by = "1 day"), # Date range for trajectories daily_hours = c(0, 6, 12, 18),# Times of day to start trajectories direction = "backward", # Trajectory direction (backward) met_type = "gdas1", # Meteorological data from GDAS at 1-degree resolution met_dir = "C:/hysplit/trajData", exec_dir = "C:/hysplit/exec" )

I am seeking advice on possible solutions to these issues or if anyone else has experienced similar problems. I am considering the possibility of incorrect setup or usage and would greatly appreciate any solutions or suggestions you could provide.