richarddmorey / BayesFactor

BayesFactor R package for Bayesian data analysis with common statistical models.
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Changing the location hyperparameter for the rscale in ttestBF #157

Closed mz555 closed 2 years ago

mz555 commented 2 years ago

In JASP, when conducting a t-test you have the option to use informed priors for Cauchy, such as changing the r-scale and location. In ttestBF I can change the r-scale, but I don't seem to be able to add a location argument. Is it possible to do so?

For context, I see frequentist misrepresenting the r-scale as equivalent to cohen's d, such that if in the study you are replicating the original d = .42, they set the prior as r-scale = .42; but this is not the same, as the r-scale is a distribution of values with mode = 0. Someone suggested as a solution to use r-scale = .01, and location = .42. I can do so in JASP, but I would like to be able to do this in R. (note, I tried nullInterval = c(.41, 43), but the results were not comparable to JASP).

Any help is appreciated.

richarddmorey commented 2 years ago

This is not possible using the default prior setup in BayesFactor. If you'd like to compute a BayesFactor for any prior you can think of (including adding a location) you can see this code: