richarddushime / Implementing-Facial-Recognition-and-Biometric-Attendance-Monitoring-in-Educational-and-Corporate-Set

Facial recognition and Biometric attendance monitoringin education and corporate settings
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Images for the Model #35

Open richarddushime opened 9 months ago

richarddushime commented 9 months ago


Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.

Expected Behavior

capturing users images for the model training in the admin pannel there is a button to add photos we willl need admin to click on the add photos button and enter the new user id or email ,then submits for images capturing we only need a form for the above field and button

Current Behavior


Nabanita29 commented 8 months ago

I can work on this if no one else is assigned!

richarddushime commented 8 months ago

I can work on this if no one else is assigned!

Alright , Go ahead