richardfous / MMM-NameDay

Nameday module for MagicMirror2 platform
MIT License
5 stars 4 forks source link

Modifying the output text. #5

Open hmasi666 opened 5 months ago

hmasi666 commented 5 months ago

Hi. This module seems to be excellent addition for my MagicMirror and very easy to use. I was however wondering that is there possibility to replace the "It is Name name-day today" output text to the local language or even just remove the text and get only the name(s) as a printout?


richardfous commented 1 month ago

Hello mate, sorry for the really late response. What you can do is go to the translations folder, open the translation you want to change a edit the value for the "NAMEDAY_TODAY" key. So you can change this row "NAMEDAY_TODAY" : "It is $NAME$'s name-day today." To something like this, which will display only the name: "NAMEDAY_TODAY" : "$NAME$",

Or you can create your own translation using the existing ones as a reference and just add it to the getTranslations function in the main js file.

hmasi666 commented 1 month ago


Great, thanks for your reply! I'm going to check that getTranslations function next!


richardfous commented 1 month ago

If you create a new translation, you can create a new pull request and i can add it to the existing ones, so more people can use it.

hmasi666 commented 1 month ago

Definitely a good idea!