richardg867 / WaybackProxy

HTTP proxy for tunneling requests through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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YouTube does not like the proxy in IE11 + Archive Finding The Correct Dates #20

Closed RealEMK closed 6 months ago

RealEMK commented 1 year ago

I have the date set to October 31 2005. I type in and it immediately doesn't load, citing "HTTP 501 Not Implemented/HTTP 505 Version Not Supported".

When trying to load a page like RuneScape, it will load a page from years earlier.

When loading it works just fine, but when I type YouTube into the search box and press Search, it says there are no snapshots within the date range in my config. I had it set to 365, and tried updating it to 500 but that didn't fix the problem.

richardg867 commented 6 months ago

Failed to reproduce any of this. Google and anything else server-side not working is fully expected.