richardg867 / WaybackProxy

HTTP proxy for tunneling requests through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
GNU General Public License v3.0
646 stars 54 forks source link

Support for ProtoWeb #9

Open kresp0 opened 2 years ago

kresp0 commented 2 years ago

WaybackProxy is an awesome project, I love it!

The people of ProtoWeb maintain a proxy service for manually restored websites from around 1996 to early 2000's. Tested it and seems like a a nice service, but don't know much more about the project.

Can you please consider adding an option to use ProtoWeb in WaybackProxy? It would be off by default, but fun to turn on to navigate a selection of more functional and better looking websites from that time. Could be also useful to get some files from old FTP's, that ProtoWeb archived and provide access to.

03stevensmi commented 1 year ago

a bite late, but i 101% seccond this. this really should be included. i doubt this project (THE WAYBACK PROXY) is still active if im honest... but if i'm wrong, please dont pass this feature and update this project... or if anyone else who has this ability to fork this project and add this feature also would be a massive help! thank you.