richardhawthorn / piZero-Hub

A compact USB hub for the Raspberry Pi Zero
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Add Eagle files! #1

Open kutis96 opened 8 years ago

kutis96 commented 8 years ago

Eagle files could be particularly nice if someone (like me) would actually go and modify your board. Hacking it up from images isn't exactly awesome.

Cheers :)

datasith commented 8 years ago

@kutis96 I've been messing around with what seems to be the same IC (FE1.1s) that @richardhawthorn. I haven't yet fully tested the board, but the design is pretty straight forward from the application note on the data sheet. EAGLE files here:

richardhawthorn commented 8 years ago

Hi @kutis96, I've added the eagle files for you to use, It's actually based on the designs from @themakerbro.

I'm just waiting for the crystal before I can test it.

Cougar commented 8 years ago


datasith commented 8 years ago


Love the application for Pi Zeros, Richard. Looking forward to the results of testing!

richardhawthorn commented 8 years ago

I've received all the components, and the hub works as expected.

ripper121 commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to solder the PCB directly to the Test pads. This will be nice for production.

libboodeploy commented 8 years ago

@ripper121 You can solder a cable between the two, is that what you mean?

ripper121 commented 8 years ago

No i mean you make Holes in your PCB like these for through hole on that positions where the test pins are. Then you lay your PCB direct to the Raspi Zero and put solder on the holes, should look like a Sandwich.

richardhawthorn commented 8 years ago

You could certainly re-work the design to line up the holes on the PCB to the pads on the zero. You could then either solder directly (which might be tricky) or use pogo pins to connect the two.

Pogo pins would be good as you could then disconnect/reconnect easily.