richardlehane / siegfried

signature-based file format identification
Apache License 2.0
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Error when issuing sf --version #145

Closed sebastiandaberdaku closed 4 years ago

sebastiandaberdaku commented 4 years ago

When issuing the command:

$sf --version

I get the following message:

2020/06/28 09:55:54 [FATAL] error loading signature file, got: siegfried: signature file is incompatible with this version of sf; try running `sf -update`

I've tried updating with

$sudo sf -update
... downloading latest signature file ...
... writing /usr/share/siegfried/default.sig ...

but i keep getting the same error. I have tried this on Ubuntu 18.04.

richardlehane commented 4 years ago

Hi Sebastian many thanks for letting me know. It looks like my auto-deployment scripts have gone awry and the beta for the next release (1.9.0) has been prematurely published. cc @ross-spencer !

To fix you'll need to "downgrade" back to the current stable version, 1.8.0, e.g. by doing: sudo apt-get remove siegfried sudo apt-get install siegfried=1.8.0-1

I've removed the errant release so you shouldn't get accidentally upgraded again.

Apologies for this mishap, Richard

sebastiandaberdaku commented 4 years ago

Thank you Richard,

I confirm that "downgrading" to version 1.8.0-1 solves the issue.

Best regards,


ross-spencer commented 4 years ago

oh no! Sorry @richardlehane and @sebastiandaberdaku :scream:

I'll need to catch up with you Richard to understand what happened, really sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm also glad things are looking good now! :slightly_smiling_face: