richardlehane / siegfried

signature-based file format identification
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FreeBSD 1.9.5 port: modules: go.mod build failure #204

Closed nunotexbsd closed 1 year ago

nunotexbsd commented 1 year ago


I'm updating FreeBSD port from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5.

This port is currently using GO_MODULE variable to the value specified by the module directive in go.mod: GO_MODULE= to fetch modules automatically from there and build fails at:

vendor/ unsafe.Slice requires go1.17 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
vendor/ unsafe.Slice requires go1.17 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
*** Error code 2

To fix the problem I switched back to "traditional" method gomod-vendor to get modules:

USE_GITHUB=     yes
GH_ACCOUNT=     richardlehane
#GO_MODULE= # fails at
GH_TUPLE=       golang:image:e7cb96979f69:golang_image/vendor/ \
                golang:sys:aba9fc2a8ff2:golang_sys/vendor/ \
                golang:text:v0.3.7:golang_text/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:characterize:v1.0.0:richardlehane_characterize/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:match:v1.0.2:richardlehane_match/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:mscfb:v1.0.4:richardlehane_mscfb/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:msoleps:v1.0.3:richardlehane_msoleps/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:webarchive:v1.0.0:richardlehane_webarchive/vendor/ \
                richardlehane:xmldetect:v1.0.2:richardlehane_xmldetect/vendor/ \
                ross-spencer:spargo:v0.4.1:ross_spencer_spargo/vendor/ \

Any clues about this being related to go.mod recent changes?

Thanks, Nuno Teixeira

dmgk commented 1 year ago

The go go.mod directive probably just needs a version bump to (at least) 1.17.

richardlehane commented 1 year ago

thanks for updating the FreeBSD port Nuno! I'm sorry this was my fault: I often do a go get -u to keep the dependencies up-to-date and it looks like recent updates to the package have included some post-1.16 features like unsafe.Slice. I'll fix for the next release.

The reason I try to pin it to 1.16 is because I deploy siegfried as an app to a google appengine which only supports 1.16 max. To fix this issue for google appengine, I added a replace directive to the mod file with this command: go mod edit -replace

nunotexbsd commented 1 year ago

Thanks for help and explanation,


nunotexbsd commented 1 year ago

Same issue on 1.9.6:

vendor/ unsafe.Slice requires go1.17 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
vendor/ unsafe.Slice requires go1.17 or later (-lang was set to go1.16; check go.mod)
richardlehane commented 1 year ago

apologies - I overlooked this one when putting out the latest release (the only change in 1.9.6 is a PRONOM update). I'll re-open this so I don't miss it for the next release.

richardlehane commented 1 year ago

go mod is up-to-date with v1.10.0