richardlehane / siegfried

signature-based file format identification
Apache License 2.0
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error in init() function #247

Closed je4 closed 1 week ago

je4 commented 3 months ago

We are using siegfried as library in other go projects. Since a recent update there is an error on miminalistic docker files (no home directory etc.) on kubernetes.

2024/03/28 10:25:26 stat /dev/null/siegfried: not a directory

Last version which was tested ok is v1.10.1.

From our point of view, this error occurs within an init() function. We think, it could be

If homedirectory points to /dev/null, this line tries to os.Stat("/dev/null/siegfried"). After that, the error is not known and log.Fatal(err) in happens.

This error occurs even if we do not use any functionality from siegfried. Using a library which uses siegfried is enough.

Is there a way to make sure, that init() function cannot result in a fatal() or panic()?

It's quite hard to debug the minimalistic docker image, since it has no delve on it.

richardlehane commented 3 months ago

Hey @je4 thanks for this detailed report, removing panics from these init functions seems on the face of it a good idea. I'll check if there are any downstream consequences of doing that

richardlehane commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @je4 I've made changes to remove panics altogether and reduce use of init functions. This should be fixed in next release, out in about a week. I've you'd like to test, there's a release candidate here: