richardmiller-zz / BehatSpec

Extensions to integrate Behat and PhpSpec
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Configuration of Behat and PhpSpec extensions #18

Closed heregiam closed 7 years ago

heregiam commented 7 years ago

The class definitions for behat.yml and phpspec.yml in the Configuration section of both result in class not found errors running behat and phpspec.

I believe instead of: RMiller\BehatSpec\BehatExtension and RMiller\BehatSpec\PhpSpecExtension they should be: RMiller\BehatSpecExtension\BehatExtension and RMiller\BehatSpecExtension\PhpSpecExtension

ek9 commented 7 years ago

Well the namespaces for sure need to be updated after everything has been moved to one repository due to multi-repo, while also keeping the PSR-4 namespace in-tact.

With PSR-4 the folder structure and namespaces should really match so I believe we should be using RMiller\BehatSpec\Extension\<EXTENSIONNAME> namespaces so they are compatible with folder structure.

Additionally, there is a problem with PSR-4 autoload setting in composer.json as some parts over-ride each-others and that will slow down the loading.

ek9 commented 7 years ago

Just to explain the current problem with the namespaces:

  1. in copmoser.json we set PSR-4 for RMiller\BehatSpec to point to different directories. This makes composer scan all of these directories when looking for files. Multiple declarations of same namespace also negate the purpose of using PSR-4 (which defines that namespace and directory should match).
  2. Even if we ignore problem 1., the configuration is still incorrect, because the definitions expect RMiller\BehatSpec namespace in all the sub-extensions. When extensions were copied, the class files still use old namespaces (i.e. RMiller\PhpSpecExtension).

The #26 PR standardizes the namespaces to match the dir structure (like PSR-4 defined). However, this results in longer namespaces and there are ways to clean them up a bit:

What can be done to clean up the namespaces further is:

  1. We could get rid of Extension directory\namespace (you would have to adjust subtreesplit directories accordingly). I can adjust PR #25 to match this. So the new namespaces would be in format of RMiller\BehatSpec\<EXTENSIONNAME>\... (instead of RMiller\BehatSpec\Extension\<EXTENSIONNAME>\...).
  2. This could possible be simplified to just use BehatSpec\ vendor if there would be a desire to move extensions under a BehatSpec organization namespace. Combined with the above solution we could then have BehatSpec\<ExtensionName> namespace (instead of RMiller\BehatSpec\Extension\<ExtensionName>\).

I would consider applying at least Solution 1. to this. The namespaces of the extensions need to be adjusted anyway to match the base RMiller\BehatSpec, so we could aswell remove the extra \Extension. Unless there is a plan to have non-extension stuff provided by this module, I believe this folder might not be necessary.

Regarding the move to just BehatSpec, I think it would require a bit more changes on how the projects are setup and perhaps is a bit too much to do at this point after we just had subtreesplit migration. However, it's an option that might be worth considering so I mentioned it.

I can quickly adjust #25 so we can have this fixed the way you like, please let me know.