richardpaulhudson / coreferee

Coreference resolution for English, French, German and Polish, optimised for limited training data and easily extensible for further languages
MIT License
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can not add coreferee to spacy pipe. #20

Closed reuvenlivn closed 1 year ago

reuvenlivn commented 1 year ago

use this code:

import coreferee import spacy nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf")

nlp.add_pipe("coreferee") <<< got error:

*** ValueError: [E002] Can't find factory for 'coreferee' for language English (en). This usually happens when spaCy calls nlp.create_pipe with a custom component name that's not registered on the current language class. If you're using a Transformer, make sure to install 'spacy-transformers'. If you're using a custom component, make sure you've added the decorator @Language.component (for function components) or @Language.factory (for class components).

I followed the instructions as defined here and installed 'spacy-transformers'


martinagalletti commented 1 year ago

Same for me. Here there are my packages details :

coreferee 1.3.1 coreferee-model-en 1.0.0 it-core-news-sm 3.4.0 en-core-web-lg 3.4.1 spacy 3.4.4 spacy-alignments 0.9.0 spacy-legacy 3.0.12 spacy-loggers 1.0.3 spacy-transformers 1.2.0

richardpaulhudson commented 1 year ago

Hi there, it looks as though you need to download the en_core_web_trf model as well:

python -m spacy download en_core-web_trf