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[AWS] Set up handlers for each type of request #3

Closed Surerocks closed 8 years ago

Surerocks commented 8 years ago

Based on the Swagger definition, parse each different request type and send to the appropriate handler. For now, just have the handler return a message saying which handler it reached, to ensure this works correctly.

Blocked by Issue #2, need swagger definition done to start this

Surerocks commented 8 years ago

I think it will be easier to divide requests by the path first, to see what type of data they are about, then see what type of request it is (GET, POST, PUT, etc.). I am currently looking into a few ways to divide this.

Surerocks commented 8 years ago

There is now a basic framework for building our web services API off of. See the code in AWS/sbacs-api. The controllers folder contains the code to handle different types of requests, currently they don't really do anything, but the accessController has a little more than the others, to show how it works.

Now we just need to fill in the details of what happens on each request in the appropriate functions.