richardscarrott / jquery-ui-carousel

jQuery RS Carousel is a responsive and touch-enabled carousel written on top of jQuery and the jQuery UI Widget Factory providing a full and familiar API in less than 2.6kB minified and gzipped.
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Proper script loading order for Touch #23

Closed jacobdubail closed 12 years ago

jacobdubail commented 12 years ago

What's the proper order and method call for using the touch extension?



jacobdubail commented 12 years ago

The reason I ask is because I'm getting this error every time I load the touch extension:

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined" on line 139.

Thanks, Jacob

jacobdubail commented 12 years ago

And a link to the site:

richardscarrott commented 12 years ago

There's some more bad news here unfortunately. The touch extension hasn't yet been brought up to speed with the latest code as there are a few aspects I want to rethink, most notably anchor links don't work within carousel items which is pretty critical.

I plan on getting it working with some improvements as soon as I get some spare time but for now you can either download an old tag which I think will have the touch extension working fine or you could checkout this fork. Otherwise check back in a few weeks and hopefully I'll have it working!

jacobdubail commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'll see if I can get one of the other options to work. Thanks for the suggestions!

Which old tag is stable and working for Touch?


jacobdubail commented 12 years ago

Hey Richard,

Any news on the touch extension? I can through $100 your way, if it will help move along the process.


richardscarrott commented 12 years ago

The touch extension is now working as of v0.8.5 but thanks for the offer anyway.

If you want to help out just give it a go and let me know if you come across any bugs as I've not had much of a chance to test it myself.

Cheers, Rich