richardschneider / net-mdns

Simple multicast DNS
MIT License
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Breaking change in IPNetwork2 2.6.459 leads to exception in mdns #114

Closed Ch4mundi closed 2 years ago

Ch4mundi commented 2 years ago

Updating all Nuget packages to the newest versions in my OpenSource ( lead to an net-mdns error due to an interface change in IPNetworks2... IPNetworks 2.6.437 still works with net-mdns while 2.6.459 throws an error MulticastService.cs:

System.TypeInitializationException: "The type initializer for 'Makaretu.Dns.MulticastService' threw an exception."

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Net.IPNetwork System.Net.IPNetwork.Parse(System.String)'.

Other people have similar problems ->

Ch4mundi commented 2 years ago

Resolved in IPNetworks 2.6.461...