richardszalay / helix-publishing-pipeline

Unified publishing for Sitecore Helix solutions that extends existing Visual Studio and command line workflows
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error MSB4094: "xxx.Serialization.csproj;\xxx.Serialization.csproj" is an invalid value for the "Module" parameter of the "ResolveModuleContentTargetPath" task. #42

Open zhanke opened 5 years ago

zhanke commented 5 years ago

This is probably a very low priority issue since it's due to incorrect setup in the first place. Just represents one extreme scenario.

Steps to replicate:

  1. In web root project in visual studio, expand references node and remove all dynamic references
  2. Add any project reference that would have been picked up by dynamic reference to web root project manually
    1. In the example below, foundation serialization project was added.
  3. Build project


CollectFilesFrom_binDeployableAssemblies: Gather all files from Project items @(_binDeployableAssemblies). Adding: 1>...\RichardSzalay.Helix.Publishing.WebRoot.1.4.4\build\Helix.Publishing.Plugins\CollectFilesFromHelixModules.Additional.targets(36,9): error MSB4094: "..\..\Foundation\Serialization\code\xxx.Serialization.csproj;..\..\Foundation\Serialization\code\xxx.Serialization.csproj" is an invalid value for the "Module" parameter of the "ResolveModuleContentTargetPath" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type "Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem". [....csproj]

Thank you!

rbatallasOshyn commented 8 months ago

I have this issue right now with the latest version, does anyone know how to fix it?