richardszalay / helix-publishing-pipeline

Unified publishing for Sitecore Helix solutions that extends existing Visual Studio and command line workflows
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XConnect Assembly List and Command Line Build #43

Closed nickwesselman closed 5 years ago

nickwesselman commented 5 years ago

I did a POC of using HPP w/ AutoPublish in Habitat, and everything seems to work fine within Visual Studio. My Website.wpp.targets includes the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
        <SitecoreAssemblyListsToExclude Include="..\Sitecore.Platform.Assemblies 9.1.0 rev. 001564.csv" />
        <SitecoreAssemblyListsToExclude Include="..\Sitecore.XConnect.Platform.Assemblies 9.1.0 rev. 001564.csv" />

I then attempted to run from the command line:

msbuild .\src\Deployment\Website\Website.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=Local

And I encountered the following error:

"C:\dev\Habitat\src\Deployment\Website\Website.csproj" (default target) (1) ->
(ParseSitecoreAssemblyLists target) -> 
  C:\Users\nwe\.nuget\packages\richardszalay.helix.publishing.webroot\1.4.4\build\Helix.Publishing.Plugins\AssemblyLists.targets(36,5): error : Exception parsing assembly list: C:\dev\Habitat\src\Deployment\Sitecore.XConnect.Platform.Assemblies 9.1.0 rev. 001564.csv [C:\dev\Habitat\src\Deployment\Website\Website.csproj]

Looking at the XConnect assembly list vs the Platform assembly list, it lacks the same sep=, header. If I add it, this error seems to go away. I'll inquire internally as to why these are different, but perhaps something that needs to be accounted for? And strange as to why I don't see this with an AutoPublish inside Visual Studio?

If relevant, msbuild /ver is

richardszalay commented 5 years ago

Yeah those assembly lists are irritatingly inconsistent in their formatting.

I'll take a look at that assembly list and see what needs changing to support it, but if you could put in a request internally to make that file more consistent it would certainly make my life easier.

richardszalay commented 5 years ago

Fixed and released as 1.4.5

nickwesselman commented 5 years ago

Nice turnaround :) I'll push this internally.