richardszalay / helix-publishing-pipeline

Unified publishing for Sitecore Helix solutions that extends existing Visual Studio and command line workflows
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SitecoreAssembliesToInclude directive does not work properly #77

Open slapikv opened 3 years ago

slapikv commented 3 years ago

We have a patch from Sitecore and want to apply it to our solution via SitecoreAssembliesToInclude directive in the Website.wpp.targets but as the result, in the bin, we see the non-hotfix dll from Nuget(packages referenced via project reference not packages.config). We also tried to add dll to the Project layer, where we do not have a NuGet package with that dll - the result is the same dll from NuGet is published(but project layer should be published the last). In addition, we tried for both profile and project name but with no success.

paulgeorge commented 3 years ago

@slapikv I was seeing the same behaviour until I moved the SitecoreAssembliesToInclude into it's own <ItemGroup> when I did that and rebuilt the included files were then output into the deploy folder as expected.

slapikv commented 2 years ago

As a workaround for this issue, we have utilized a post-build event script in the WebRoot project. Here is the code example:

 REM important! always check Azure publishing after changing this!
 REM publish it to project bin
 xcopy /Y /I "$(ProjectDir)..\..\SitecoreSupport\bin\*" "$(OutDir)\.."

 REM publish it to IntermediateOutputPath during build, temporary fix for exceeded path length
 REM note: this path is used as IntermediateOutputPath in this project .csproj file
 xcopy /Y /I "$(ProjectDir)..\..\SitecoreSupport\bin\*" "C:\[YourProjectFolder]\bld\Package\PackageTmp\bin"

 REM publish it to Docker folder to support Azure DevOps CI/CD
 xcopy /Y /I "$(ProjectDir)..\..\SitecoreSupport\bin\*" "$(ProjectDir)\..\..\..\docker\deploy\website\bin"