richardwilkes / gcs_master_library

GCS Master Library
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Missing trait "Quick-Swap" from Martial Arts #265

Open ethorad opened 11 months ago

ethorad commented 11 months ago

Was going through some martial art templates, and one references the Quick-Swap perk. From looking online this seems to be in Martial Arts page 51 as well as in Power Ups 2.

The library has it in the Power Ups section, but no page link to MA51. I think that:

Not sure however, as I don't have either Martial Arts or Power Ups 2. Also I think in other places duplicates have been avoided e.g. there's no spells in the basic set library and instead they are all in the Magic library. However, if you're looking for a spell, the Magic library is a sensible place to look. However looking for traits that are in the MA book, I wouldn't think to look in the Power Ups trait library. (I only found it as Google told me it's in the MA and PU2 books).