richelbilderbeek / pirouette

R package that estimates the error BEAST2 makes from a given phylogeny
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pirouette cleans up too much? #433

Open richelbilderbeek opened 11 months ago

richelbilderbeek commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

Here a file cannot be found:

Package: pirouette [Old version: 1.6.7, New version: 1.6.8]
Check: examples
New result: ERROR
  Running examples in ‘pirouette-Ex.R’ failed
  The error most likely occurred in:

  > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
  > ### Name: create_twal_file
  > ### Title: Simulates a twin DNA alignment and saves it to a FASTA file.
  > ### Aliases: create_twal_file
  > ### ** Examples
  > # Create a true phylogeny to simulate the DNA sequences on
  > n_taxa <- 5
  > set.seed(1)
  > phylogeny <- ape::rcoal(n_taxa)
  > # Create the ancestor's DNA sequence
  > n_base_pairs <- 4
  > root_sequence <- create_blocked_dna(length = n_base_pairs)
  > # Simulate and save the true alignment
  > alignment_params <- create_alignment_params(
  +   root_sequence = root_sequence
  + )
  > create_tral_file(
  +   phylogeny = phylogeny,
  +   alignment_params = alignment_params
  + )
  > # Create a twin phylogeny to simulate the DNA sequences on
  > set.seed(2)
  > twin_phylogeny <- ape::rcoal(n_taxa)
  > # File does not exist yet
  > twinning_params <- create_twinning_params()
  > # Simulate and save the twin alignment
  > alignment <- create_twal_file(
  +  twin_phylogeny = twin_phylogeny,
  +  alignment_params = alignment_params,
  +  twinning_params = twinning_params
  + )
  Warning in file(con, "rb") :
    cannot open file '/tmp/check-CRAN-incoming-hornik/cache/beautier/alignment_327e11bc49e4.fasta': No such file or directory

I feel this is because the file has been deleted by beastier::remove_beaustier_folders somewhere.

I think that a2788fb11d4233ab6e7d7f6aad6f614ce81be5d2 will not fix it

To Reproduce

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