richelbilderbeek / pirouette_article

Article about pirouette, by Bilderbeek, Laudanno and Etienne
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Publication on MEE: complete checklist #51

Closed Giappo closed 4 years ago

Giappo commented 4 years ago

These are the rules for an initial submission on MEE (from here):

Quick Checklist for initial submission

To simplify the process for authors we differentiate between initial and revised submissions. Initial submissions can be submitted in any file type providing they adhere to the following requirements:

If you are asked to submit a revision you must comply with the full manuscript specifications below.

Article types (mutually exclusive)

Manuscript specifications

Submissions should be divided into the following sections:

It should include:

This should state the reason for doing the work, the nature of the hypothesis or hypotheses under consideration, and should outline the essential background.

Include sufficient details for the work to be repeated. Where specific equipment and materials are named, the manufacturer’s details (name, city and country) should be given so that readers can trace specifications by contacting the manufacturer. Where commercially available software has been used, details of the supplier should be given in brackets or the reference given in full in the reference list. Do not describe or refer to commonplace statistical tests in this section but allude to them briefly in Results.

State the results and draw attention in the text to important details shown in tables and figures.

This should point out the significance of the results in relation to the reasons for doing the work, and place them in the context of other work.

A brief statement acknowledging collaborators and research assistants who do not meet the criteria for authorship described above, or acknowledging funding sources, providing relevant permit numbers (including institutional animal use permits), or giving recognition to nature reserves or other organizations that made the work possible.

All submissions with more than one author must include an Authors’ contributions statement. All persons listed as authors on a paper are expected to meet ALL of the following criteria for authorship:

substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; agreement to be accountable for the aspects of the work that they conducted and ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of their work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Acquisition of funding, provision of facilities, or supervising the research group of authors without additional contribution are not usually sufficient justifications for authorship. The statement should include an explanation of the contribution of each author. We suggest the following format for the Authors’ contributions statement:

AB and CD conceived the ideas and designed methodology; CD and EF collected the data; EF and GH analysed the data; AB and CD led the writing of the manuscript. All authors contributed critically to the drafts and gave final approval for publication.

To enable readers to locate archived data from papers, we require that authors list the database and the respective accession numbers or DOIs for all data from the manuscript that has been made publicly available. For example, “Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository (Kiere & Drummond 2016).” When a DOI is available for the data, the full data citation should also be given in the reference list. See below. Please see our editorial policies page for further information

In text citations should follow the author-date method whereby the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998). The complete reference list should appear alphabetically by name at the end of the paper. Please note that a DOI should be provided for all references where available.

Giappo commented 4 years ago

Word count: 3952 + ~500 (captions/figures etc)

Giappo commented 4 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: Article type: I think it is unrealistic to cut 1000+ words. So I suggest we go for Research Article.

Giappo commented 4 years ago

References: The guidelines explicitly state that "a DOI should be provided for all references where available." In our bibliography DOIs are not reported. I tried to add one but the compiler does not add it to the pdf. I also saw that babette's paper by @richelbilderbeek actually features them. Can you tell me how you did it? In case, I can look for and add all the DOIs we need.

Giappo commented 4 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: Data Availability: The application form states: "As a condition for publication, our Data archiving policy requires that all data supporting the results in a paper should be archived in an appropriate public archive. For theoretical papers the underlying model code must be archived. Please indicate your intention to archive by selecting one of the options below:" Since our work is theoretical our "data" is actually the code. In section 6 "pirouette resources" we explicitly refer to the public github repo. So this should be ok.

richelbilderbeek commented 4 years ago

The guidelines explicitly state that "a DOI should be provided for all references where available." I also saw that babette's paper by @richelbilderbeek actually features them. Can you tell me how you did it? In case, I can look for and add all the DOIs we need.

I uploaded a zipped babette release at Zenodo. I remember that this went very smooth!

Giappo commented 4 years ago

The guidelines explicitly state that "a DOI should be provided for all references where available." I also saw that babette's paper by @richelbilderbeek actually features them. Can you tell me how you did it? In case, I can look for and add all the DOIs we need.

I uploaded a zipped babette release at Zenodo. I remember that this went very smooth!

Sorry Richèl, I am not sure I get what you mean by that. Do you mind to send me the latex source code of babette plus the bibliography? I can just build the references for pirouette article in the same way you did it there...

richelbilderbeek commented 4 years ago

The babette article source can be found at the babette_article GitHub (of course :smile:).

At releases you'll see:


I did that by creating a new release for the article. Creating a new release:

Click here:


Then click here:


I hope that helps :+1:

Giappo commented 4 years ago

Ok, @richelbilderbeek, I think I understood where is the problem. The DOI for babette is not hard to find, even without Zenodo. It's here, on the first line: My problem is that I would like to add a DOI to every reference in the bibliography, which is something you already did for babette (see bibliography in the link). The question is: did you add yourself all the DOIs or did the journal add them it for you? Because in the .bib file in the babette_article repo I cannot find any. I've seen this Zenodo thing, and it doesn't look like it can help in doing this. Am I wrong?

richelbilderbeek commented 4 years ago

The question is: did you add yourself all the DOIs or did the journal add them it for you?

The journal added these for me, I only sent them the DOI of the (released version's zip file of the) article.

I think that means less work for you than you thought :+1:

Giappo commented 4 years ago

Great! :rainbow:

So now I am just waiting for Rampal to revise the cover letter and I think we can proceed with the submission.

richelbilderbeek commented 4 years ago

It's submitted and we are working on the response letter of this day. Well done! Closing this Issue!