richfitz / diversitree

diversitree: comparative phylogenetic analyses of diversification
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Installed diversitree from source - Error: external pointer is not valid #12

Closed emmaday closed 9 years ago

emmaday commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

I am using R 3.1.3 GUI 1.65 Mavericks build on OSX Yosemite 10.10.1. The past few days I have been throwing constant errors only when using diversitree similar to that described in The error is along the lines * caught segfault * address 0x0, cause 'memory not mapped'. This has occurred on all 3 of my computers, and often got to the stage where I couldn't even load diversitree without throwing this error or R completely crashing. To fix this problem, I tried installing Rcpp and diversitree as source packages as you suggested in the previous issues post, which I had some issues with but eventually got to work.

Now I am able to run functions in diversitree without the segfault error (or I haven't discovered it yet), however I cannot use the find.mle() without throwing the following error: Error: external pointer is not valid. The other functions I am using make.bisse() and starting.point.bisse() do seem to work fine though. Is there something in the find.mle() that could cause this error?

If you could help at all I would be so grateful, as I really need these functions to work on my computer urgently!

Thank you in advance,


emmaday commented 9 years ago

Hi Rich,

All good, I've managed to fix this problem. All I had to do was re-run the function again right from the start of the import data stage, as before I was trying to constrain a lik function that I already had stored and I think was created using a different version of R. I have no idea whether that was the problem, but at least I can run my analysis now!
