richgel999 / picojpeg

picojpeg: Tiny JPEG decoder for 8/16-bit microcontrollers
80 stars 19 forks source link

Canvas to JPEG, then file upload to ESP32 SPIFFS fails to decode, error 19 #2

Open frankcohen opened 3 years ago

frankcohen commented 3 years ago

Thank you for Picojpeg. I found it embeded in Bodmer's JPEGDecoder and used to display images on a 135x240 pixel OLED display.

I created a 10x10 pixel JPEG encoded image from a Javascript context using this code:

var mywide = video.videoWidth;
mywide = mywide / 6;
canvas.width = 135;
canvas.height = 240;

var image = canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video,0,0,10,10,0,0,10,10);
var base64png = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
var dataURL = base64png.replace(/\s/g, '+').replace(/^data:image\/jpeg;base64,/, '');
var nobase = window.atob(dataURL);

var oAjaxReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oAjaxReq.submittedData = nobase;

oAjaxReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
   console.log("Uploading image");

oAjaxReq.onload = function (oEvent)
}"post", "upload", true);

var bound =;
var sBoundary = "----WebKitFormBoundary" + bound;

oAjaxReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + sBoundary );

var mydata = "--" + sBoundary + "\r\n";

mydata += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"name\"; filename=\"" + "slice1.jpg" + "\"\r\n";
mydata += "Content-Type: image/png";
mydata += "\r\n";
mydata += "\r\n";

mydata += nobase;

mydata += "\r\n";

mydata += "--" + sBoundary + "--";
mydata += "\r\n";

oAjaxReq.send( mydata );

I am using FHessel's HTTPS Server on ESP32 to receive the form post from a Chrome browser.

Here is my form post handler code for the server side:

void handle_upload(HTTPRequest * req, HTTPResponse * res)

  HTTPBodyParser *parser;
  parser = new HTTPMultipartBodyParser(req);
  bool didwrite = false;

  Serial.println( "Handle_upload 2" );

  while(parser->nextField()) {

    Serial.println( "Handle_upload 3" );
    std::string name = parser->getFieldName();
    std::string filename = parser->getFieldFilename();
    std::string mimeType = parser->getFieldMimeType();
    Serial.printf("handleFormUpload: field name='%s', filename='%s', mimetype='%s'\n", name.c_str(), filename.c_str(), mimeType.c_str() );

    if ( ! (filename.rfind("/", 0) == 0) )
      filename = "/" + filename;

    Serial.print("handle_upload Name: "); 
    Serial.println(filename.c_str()  );

    fsUploadFile = filename.c_str(), "w");            // Open the file for writing in SPIFFS (create if it doesn't exist)

    size_t fileLength = 0;
    didwrite = true;

    while (!parser->endOfField()) {
      byte buf[512];
      size_t readLength = parser->read(buf, 512);
      fsUploadFile.write(buf, readLength);
      fileLength += readLength;

    res->printf("<p>Saved %d bytes to %s</p>", (int)fileLength, filename.c_str() );

  if (!didwrite) {
    res->println("<p>Did not write any file contents</p>");

  delete parser;
   {                                    // If the file was successfully created
     res->setHeader("Location", "/success");
     res->setStatusText("Upload failed");

The upload works, stores the file in the ESP32 SPIFFS file system (using LittleFS) and here are the file contents (printed out as ASCII character and Hex value):

 =A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, )=29, =10, =1, =0, =1, =3, =2, =5, =1,  =9, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =1, =2, =3, =5, =4, =11, =6, =7, =12, =13, 1=31, ⸮=C2, ⸮=81, =14, !=21, "=22, #=23, 2=32, Q=51, ⸮=C2, ⸮=85, ⸮=C3, ⸮=81, ⸮=C3, ⸮=94, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, =19, =1, =1, =0, =3, =1, =1, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =3, =5, =7, =4, =6, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, =0, -=2D, =11, =1, =0, =1, =3, =2, =3, =3, 
 =D, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =1, =2, =3, =11, =4, =12, =5, =15, !=21, 1=31, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=93, =14, "=22, #=23, A=41, Q=51, S=53, T=54, a=61, s=73, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9A, =0, =C, =3, =1, =0, =2, =11, =3, =11, =0, ?=3F, =0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, z=7A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=89, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8F, 4=34, ⸮=C3, ⸮=87, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, i=69, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=97, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, =7F, =1B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8B, >=3E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=89, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8E, q=71, 3=33, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=97, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B3, k=6B, 
 =D, [=5B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A6, ]=5D, u=75, \=5C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, l=6C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=95, U=55, }=7D, S=53, =18, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BD, 1=31, =1A, =8, ⸮=C2, ⸮=89, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B5, ⸮=C2, ⸮=88, ⸮=C2, ⸮=87, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A1, Y=59, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B2, 
 =D, >=3E, {=7B, }=7D, /=2F, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AE, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B8, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B8, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A8, }=7D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B4, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, P=50, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8B, =15, @=40, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, =0, -=2D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C2, ⸮=98, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BC, g=67, =1E, 3=33, ;=3B, ~=7E, ;=3B, =15, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BC, *=2A, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BE, U=55, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A0, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B7, =1D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AF, =11, m=6D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8F, 8=38, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=85, w=77, =1A, =7F, =5, -=2D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=92, ⸮=C3, ⸮=89, k=6B, r=72, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, ⸮=C3, ⸮=99, =1C, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BF, =0, h=68, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, j=6A, ;=3B, }=7D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BB, 6=36, m=6D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=98, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B2, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AC, [=5B, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B5, j=6A, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9B, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A8, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A3, ⸮=C3, ⸮=A1, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A2, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=BA, z=7A, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8B, V=56, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=98, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B7, M=4D, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AB, T=54, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A2, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A7, 5=35, U=55, ⸮=C2, ⸮=8D, ⸮=C3, ⸮=95, M=4D, S=53, ⸮=C3, ⸮=96, ⸮=C2, ⸮=A9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=8C, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B5, ⸮=C2, ⸮=99, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AD, ⸮=C3, ⸮=84, t=74, W=57, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BF, w=77, S=53, v=76, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=B7, ⸮=C3, ⸮=AB, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9F, v=76, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BD, ⸮=C2, ⸮=BB, ⸮=C2, ⸮=AA, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, M=4D, 9=39, ⸮=C3, ⸮=9B, L=4C, Q=51, O=4F, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9B, D=44, S=53, L=4C, b=62, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9A, b=62, :=3A, D=44, g=67, =19, ⸮=C2, ⸮=9E, ⸮=C2, ⸮=B9, ⸮=C2, ⸮=96, 
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Picojpeg rejects the file and throws error 19.

I tested Picojpeg using a jpeg file I created in Pixelmator for Mac and Picojpeg works fine. I use the same HTTPS Server code to upload the file contents. I use this HTML:

<form action=upload method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>
<input type=file name=name>
<input class=button type=submit value=Upload>

This uploads the Jpeg file correctly. And Picojpeg decodes the jpeg image correctly and with no error.

I'm not sure where to go next? Any help would be appreciated.


richgel999 commented 2 years ago

Hi - Sorry you're using a bunch of technologies which aren't my strong suite (like web tech). If you're having a problem with the decoder itself, I would be glad to help.