richhollis / swagger-docs

Generates swagger-ui json files for Rails APIs with a simple DSL.
MIT License
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rails-api 1.0: 1 processed / 4 skipped issue #171

Open liuziyuan opened 6 years ago

liuziyuan commented 6 years ago

Hi all I used rails-api 5.1.2 ,let me show my code

swagger_doc.rb `Swagger::Docs::Config.base_api_controller = ActionController::API

Swagger::Docs::Config.register_apis({ "1.0" => {

the extension used for the API

                              :api_extension_type => :json,
                              # the output location where your .json files are written to
                              :api_file_path => "public",
                              # the URL base path to your API
                              :base_path => "http://localhost:3000",
                              # if you want to delete all .json files at each generation
                              :clean_directory => false,
                              # Ability to setup base controller for each api version. Api::V1::SomeController for example.
                              :parent_controller => ApplicationController,
                              # add custom attributes to api-docs
                              :attributes => {
                                  :info => {
                                      "title" => "Swagger Sample App",
                                      "description" => "This is a sample description.",
                                      "termsOfServiceUrl" => "http://xxx",
                                      "contact" => "xxx",
                                      "license" => "Apache 2.0",
                                      "licenseUrl" => ""


UserController.rb `class Api::V1::UsersController < ApplicationController include Swagger::Docs::ImpotentMethods

swagger_controller :users, "User Management"

swagger_api :index do summary "Fetches all User items" response :unauthorized response :not_acceptable, "The request you made is not acceptable" response :requested_range_not_satisfiable end

swagger_api :show do summary "Fetches a single User item" param :path, :id, :integer, :required, "User Id" response :ok, "Success", :User response :unauthorized response :not_acceptable response :not_found end

get model list /api/v1/users/index

def index @user = User.all render :json => {users: @user} , :status => 200 end

get model by id /api/v1/users/show?id=1

def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) render :json => {user: @user}, :status => 200 end

create model

def create @user =

  render '200'
  render '400'


update model by id

def update end

delete model by id

def delete end

private def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:name,:password,:address) end



and the last , run command : SD_LOG_LEVEL=1 rake swagger:docs then generator a the doc file what has not action structure on apis .

{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "swaggerVersion": "1.2", "basePath": "http://localhost:3000", "apis": [ { "path": "/api/v1/users.{format}", "description": "User Management" } ], "authorizations": null, "info": { "title": "Swagger Sample App", "description": "This is a sample description.", "termsOfServiceUrl": "http://xxx", "contact": "xxx", "license": "Apache 2.0", "licenseUrl": "" } }

fercreek commented 6 years ago @liuziyuan I solved the issue in this way