richie5um / TextBar-Recipes

TextBar Recipes
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Shell and shell arguments not saved #47

Closed lucajovine closed 7 years ago

lucajovine commented 7 years ago

Hello, I use tcsh as default shell on my system, and so TextBar automatically sets the shell to that; moreover, it selects "-l" as default argument, with the result that none of the standard scripts etc. work. If I manually specify /bin/sh in the Advanced Preferences, and delete "-l", then everything works... but these new values are not stored. So upon reboot I'm back to square one. How to get TextBar to remember my choices? I am using version 3.2.2, and High Sierra 10.13.1. Thanks, Luca

PS: This command also seems to have no effect:

defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DefaultShell -string "/bin/sh"

richie5um commented 7 years ago

Oops, sorry. I’ll fix this ASAP.

richie5um commented 7 years ago

Really sorry for the inconvenience. I think I've fixed this in v3.2.20 (use 'Check for updates' to force the update).

FWIW, I'd rushed a fix for an issue with the 'default' button not updating the UI, but that caused the initialisation logic to ignore your customisations. Hopefully this should all work correctly now.

lucajovine commented 7 years ago

Wow, talk about a fast response - wish all developers would be like you! Thanks a million, now it works just fine :-)