richie5um / TextBar-Recipes

TextBar Recipes
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NightScount Continuous Glucose Monitoring #66

Closed ianchesal closed 4 years ago

ianchesal commented 4 years ago

This scrapes data out of a NightScout instance and puts it into the menu bar so you can see blood glucose levels at a glance.

richie5um commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I'm a T1 diabetic, but unfortunately am not allowed a GCM from the NHS. I might use this if I ever get one. Thanks!

ianchesal commented 4 years ago

@richie5um it's the best club you don't want to be in. I'm the dad of a newly-diagnosed T1D and his CGM setup was literally life changing for us. We hadn't slept through the night in over a month before we got this; up every 3 hours for a finger stick. Any time you spend wrestling with NHS to cover it will be worth it.

Thanks for the merge!

richie5um commented 4 years ago

Glad to hear things are better for you. It’s a troublesome condition (?) for an adult, but so much more so for a parent. Best wishes to you all.