richie5um / TextBar-Recipes

TextBar Recipes
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Edited an script and app won't open anymore #86

Closed jeronimosodero closed 2 years ago

jeronimosodero commented 2 years ago

I edited the default free space script and added a floppy disk emoji and the app keeps crashing when I open it. I tried re-installing but the same. I can't find where those scripts are saved. Thanks.

richie5um commented 2 years ago


There are three locations for TextBar information...

Scripts + Preferences are stored is this plist file: ~/Library/Preferences/com.RichSomerfield.TextBar.plist

Scripts (and images) for Imported TextBar actions are stored here: ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextBar

So you could delete (or, move) those files. Alternatively, you can try running this, and then launch the app - as that may help keep your scripts but without them being enabled on launch: defaults write com.RichSomerfield.TextBar DisableItemsOnStart -bool true

Hopefully this information helps.

Best, Rich

jeronimosodero commented 2 years ago

the last command and editing the script from the preferences worked! thank you

richie5um commented 2 years ago

Good to hear. Thanks for letting me know.