richnadeau / Secure-Web-Application-CTF-Nadeau-Notter

Create a CTF that focuses on fixing the vulnerabilities and finding them.
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Configure PhpMyAdmin Vuln #6

Closed richnadeau closed 2 years ago

richnadeau commented 2 years ago

Configure PhpMyAdmin vulnerable app + Create Bio Pages for users that will be able to log into PHPMyAdmin.

richnadeau commented 2 years ago

Worked on making Bios pages for me and Blaise so that users can find our creds for phpmyadmin via proper nouns in our Bios. Pushed the Bios pages to here. This will be a good lesson in what insecure design means to anyone that is not familiar with it. I will work on the vulnerable PhpMyAdmin configuration more this weekend.

richnadeau commented 2 years ago

I got the vulnerable PhpMyAdmin set up and working on the other linux server. Will have to eventually merge it onto the Log4J one, but it will be good for demo tomorrow. Will need to create and work on config documentation soon. Will leave this open until those are done.