richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
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BMP280 MOD #44

Closed DG1FI closed 6 months ago

DG1FI commented 7 months ago

File: bme_utils.cpp

Here is my CODE-MOD to disable transmit huminidy data for BMP280

String readDataSensor(String type) {
    String wx, tempStr, humStr, presStr;
    float newTemp   = bme.readTemperature();
    float newHum;

    #ifndef BMPSensor
        newHum    = bme.readHumidity();
        newHum = 0;

    float newPress  = (bme.readPressure() / 100.0F);

    if (isnan(newTemp) || isnan(newHum) || isnan(newPress)) {
      Serial.println("BME280 Module data failed");
      if (type == "OLED") {
        wx = " - C    - %    - hPa";
      } else {
        wx = ".../...g...t...r...p...P...h..b.....";
      return wx;
    } else {
      tempStr = generateTempString(newTemp, type);

        #ifndef BMPSensor
            humStr  = generateHumString(newHum, type);
            humStr  = "-99";

      presStr = generatePresString(newPress + (Config.bme.heightCorrection/CORRECTION_FACTOR), type);
      if (type == "OLED") {
        #ifndef BMPSensor
            wx = tempStr + "C   " + humStr + "%   " + presStr + "hPa";
            wx = "T: " + tempStr + "C " + "P: " + presStr + "hPa";
      } else {
        #ifndef BMPSensor
            wx = ".../...g...t" + tempStr + "r...p...P...h" + humStr + "b" + presStr;
            wx = ".../...g...t" + tempStr + "r...p...P...h..b" + presStr;
      return wx;
radiohound commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this. Where and how do we define BMPSensor?

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

please test "bmp add-on" branch to validate the mods

radiohound commented 6 months ago

Thank you! The temperature and pressure are showing correctly on the display. But it is not getting sent out as telemetry. I have set sendTelemetry to true.

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

What does raw packet show on

radiohound commented 6 months ago

it shows:2023-12-12 05:49:25 PST: K6ATV-13>APLRT1,WIDE1-1,qAR,K6ATV-10:!/;hr</fWP_!!Q

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

hi only GPS data is showing for this station.

did you enable sending Wx data over RF in the tracker_conf.json ??

it sends once 10min a wx beacon packet, the other packets are always gps only(as processes it in no less than 10min)

radiohound commented 6 months ago

Sorry, I just was not patient enough. After 10 minutes, the WX data was sent. Thank you so much for the help!