richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
MIT License
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Iphone bluetooth issue #46

Closed Bitbanger1900 closed 6 months ago

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago


I see on 2023.12.07 Added TTGO Lilygo LoRa32 v2.1 board as Bluetooth TNC(Android/Apple) and as a Tracker (with external GPS module).

I tried multiple Iphones with this TTGO but i don't see the Bluetooth Lora device. On Android Phones it is working without problem. Do i have to set a different Bluetooth type in the config?

Regards, Johannes.

richonguzman commented 6 months ago


Apple works different:

You can't add a BLE unit on the BT part of preferences/configuration of the iPhone.

It only works when adding inside an app.

So for now it's working inside app when adding as a TNC

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago


Thanks for your quick response! That is actually exactly what i did. Opened, go to TNC & DPS Modem, selelect a TNC or software modem and than it keeps on searching but it finds nothing.

Regards, Johannes

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

There are a few things to test:

Reset or close app Turn off and on BT on iPhone Turn off and on tracker

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago


Tried all those but not working.

When i set bluetoothType to 0 in the tracker_config.json and call BLE_Utils::setup(); in the void setup(); i do see the BLE TNC discovered?

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

you should see the TNC to add it (but first, do you have the TNC and messages capability in )??

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago


Yes. i have the TNC and message capability in

I added in the LoRa_APRS_Tracker.cpp file above the line WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); the line BLE_Utils::setup(); so that the BLE_Utils routine is always executed.

After that all is almost working fine except one thing. When i open a console i see that the message what is passed to the gateway over Lora is cutting of the SSID. So i see my callsign and not callsign-14 passed to the iGate on the Tracker on the serial console.

Regards, Johan

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

1) maybe is an issue of filesystem upload as "BluetoothType":0 would force the BLE to work without any issues

2) explain me more about the callsign problem please: Where do you have the missing ssid? On the serial output? On the trackers? On the phone?

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago

1: i'm going to test.

2: within i configured my Station as OE2XZY-14.

I connect the tracker to a serial output and have the following output. As you can see on the last line it says: OE2XYZ> and i believe it should be OE2XYZ-14>

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 188777542, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:2 load:0x3fff0030,len:1184 load:0x40078000,len:13192 load:0x40080400,len:3028 entry 0x400805e4 [INFO][Main] RichonGuzman (CA2RXU) --> LoRa APRS Tracker/Station [INFO][Main] Version: 2023.12.07 [INFO][Main] Number of APRS Messages : 0 [INFO][Main] GPS disabled [INFO][LoRa] Set SPI pins! [INFO][LoRa] Set LoRa pins! [INFO][LoRa] frequency: 433775000 [INFO][LoRa] LoRa init done! [INFO][BME] BME280 Module not active in 'tracker_conf.json' [INFO][BLE] Waiting for BLE central to connect... [INFO][Main] WiFi controller stopped [INFO]��u�Waiting for BLE central to connect... [INFO][Main] No Keyboard Connected to I2C [INFO][Main] CPU frequency set to 80MHz [INFO][Main] Smart Beacon is: On [INFO][Main] Setup Done! [INFO][BLE] BLE Client Connected OE2XYZAPFII0WIDE1-1WIDE2-1[INFO][BLE Tx] OE2XYZ>APFII0,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1:@184223h4953.33N/01807.58E[032/ for iOS!wrs!

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

What is the SSID in the app?

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago


richonguzman commented 6 months ago

Could not find any station with this callsign on to see raw packets

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago

correct. i changed it of course as i will not publish my callsign/GPS in public on github

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

Write me a telegram message at my github user to know your callsign and look at raw packets to help you further

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

please download the latest "main" firmware and update as it should be corrected now

Bitbanger1900 commented 6 months ago

Working like a Charm! Thanks for your support!

Donation is on it's way and keep up the good work