richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
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Battery value not working anymore #51

Closed iw2ejh closed 6 months ago

iw2ejh commented 6 months ago

Today I upgraded FW from version 2023.10.01 to version 2023.12.24 on my TTGO-T-Beam 1.2. I noticed the battery value are not reported correctly as before:

previous value: 2023-12-26 13:53:07 CET: IW2EJH-5>APLRT1,WIDE1-1,qAR,iw2ejh-11:!/7?UxQ$YS[F6Q Bat=4.20V (215mA) actual value: 2023-12-26 14:13:01 CET: IW2EJH-5>APLRT1,WIDE1-1,qAR,iw2ejh-11:!/7?V\Q$YV[DvQ Bat=0.29V ( 0%)

The battery is fully charded as shown in the beacon sent 20 minutes before the upgrade.

Also, the display says battery not connected and the blue LED (indicating the battery in charge mode) is permanently active, with or without the power supplied from the USB connector.

iw2ejh commented 6 months ago

My mistake, I have a T-Beam V1 not V1_2, I rebuild with the right environment and it display the correct values

iw2ejh commented 6 months ago

could be closed, wrong environment selected.

richonguzman commented 6 months ago

good to know you solved this ;)