richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
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Android Bluetooth not connecting #62

Closed cshoaf closed 1 month ago

cshoaf commented 5 months ago

Bluetooth will not pair with Android devices. Bluetoothtype is set to 1, but does not show up when scanning for device. Tried it with three different android devices. Tried setting Bluetoothtype to 0 and it shows up, but obviously won't work with Android devices. Any idea? Using a Heltec v3.

richonguzman commented 5 months ago

it seems Heltec v3 only has BLE and not BT (classic) so unless the Android has BLE it seems you are out of luck

aximm commented 4 months ago

I'm haveing exactly the same issue. Heltec v3 doesn't show up when scanning for devices. My phone supports BLE.

richonguzman commented 4 months ago

The android part is build with BT classic in mind

I will have to check what to change to use this in android over BLe

miodzicho commented 3 months ago

Same with LilyGo T-Beam 32Core SUPREME. Not visible in android BT scan.

richonguzman commented 3 months ago

is your Android BLE or BT classic?

miodzicho commented 3 months ago

BT5.3 LE so I presume it is BLE

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

Just found out APRSDROID only uses SPP and ESP32S3 boards cant do it.... I will still keep on looking