richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
MIT License
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Date and File Error #83

Closed JimlyTheReal closed 2 months ago

JimlyTheReal commented 2 months ago

Hi OM's,

i installed the last Version 2024.03.22 of the LoRa_APRS_Tracker on my LiLyGo T-Beam 1.2.

After some initial difficulties now it works, two problems are now my problem: (Positions are correct, altitude and speed too and are transmitted correctly)

  1. The date is not updated, the initial value always remains
  2. After a few days of regular operation, the display shows Error in the middle of operation. The settings in the file system image are gone? A re-upload of the Filesystem Image fixes the error.
richonguzman commented 2 months ago

hi, I will upload soon a GPS reset fix for this... If not available in two days , write me!!! as its almost ready

on the second topic, what error did you get? NOCALL on one of the saved callsign?

JimlyTheReal commented 2 months ago
  1. Thnx fr ur answer and the tip about the GPS fix. I did that quickly. Hurray, the date is now here. I thought there would be no data without GPS Fix, but it was just the date.

  2. Yes, after the error is displayed, NOCALL is assigned.

richonguzman commented 2 months ago

to avoid (n.2) error... change all NOCALL to your callsign ;)