richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_Tracker

LoRa APRS Tracker with Tx and Rx capabilities, Messages, Wx, Winlink and more...
MIT License
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Error code "failed, code -705" #94

Open Vitaliy86 opened 1 month ago

Vitaliy86 commented 1 month ago

Error if send from bluetooth: failed, code -705 Receive not work (len off)

My config

#ifdef ESP32_DIY_1W_LoRa_GPS   // My Ebyte E22 400M30S OR RA-01S / SX1268

#define OLED_SDA            21
#define OLED_SCL            22
#define OLED_RST            -1

#define GPS_RX              17
#define GPS_TX              16
#define GPS_PPS             26
#define BUTTON_PIN          -1//15
#define BATTERY_PIN         36  //ADC0  

#define RADIO_SCLK_PIN  18     // GPIO5    - SX12xx SCK ----> SCLK
#define RADIO_MISO_PIN  19     // GPIO19   - SX12xx MISO
#define RADIO_MOSI_PIN  23     // GPIO27   - SX12xx MOSI
#define RADIO_CS_PIN    5      // GPIO18   - SX12xx CS ---> NSS
//#define RADIO_DIO0_PIN  -1
#define RADIO_RST_PIN   14     // GPIO14   - SX12xx RST ---> NRST
#define RADIO_DIO1_PIN  33
#define RADIO_BUSY_PIN  39     // GPIO26   - SX12xx IRQ ----> DIO0  
#define RADIO_RXEN      2
#define RADIO_TXEN      4


ps work in igate

Vitaliy86 commented 1 month ago

I change in tracker_config.json all pins in "-1" it works now

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

Hi Vitaliy

I need more context and explanations what are you using, which board? or full diy? tracker firmware or igate firmware

all data needed please

Szetya commented 1 month ago

Megváltoztattam a tracker_config.json összes pinjét a "-1"-ben, ez most működik

In Config, the flashlight PIN conflicts with the RST PIN configuration of the lora radio. "-705 timed out while waiting for complete SPI command." -You cannot set the PIN to -1 because: this line should normally be like this: if (Config.notification.ledFlashlight && Config.notification.ledFlashlightPin >= 0 ) pinMode(Config.notification.ledFlashlightPin, OUTPUT); And other similar lines. :)

Szetya commented 1 month ago

And RADIO_RXEN also conflicts with the ledmessagePin.

Vitaliy86 commented 1 month ago

richonguzma this project

tracker firmware

Szetya yes, but work....

Szetya commented 1 month ago

@Vitaliy86 😉 IMG_20240318_170422

Szetya commented 1 month ago

@Vitaliy86 IMG_20240118_182813

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

richonguzma this project

tracker firmware

Szetya yes, but work....

so did you validate all pins from pins_config.h and also the notifications pins from tracker_conf.json to avoid being the same?

Szetya commented 1 month ago

@richonguzman Almost all pins are used so you need - 1 option in the tracker_config.json file -1 for the PINs. But -1 can only be without error if the if() structure is as I wrote above. @Vitaliy86 Be careful with the pins_config and tracker_config.json files. I know several people who have ruined their radios because of this. I had a pull request in February about this but withdrew it for lack of progress.

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

@richonguzman Almost all pins are used so you need - 1 option in the tracker_config.json file -1 for the PINs. But -1 can only be without error if the if() structure is as I wrote above. @Vitaliy86 Be careful with the pins_config and tracker_config.json files. I know several people who have ruined their radios because of this. I had a pull request in February about this but withdrew it for lack of progress.

why don't you add all the info needed for @Vitaliy86 , not just a basic guide?


I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning

Szetya commented 1 month ago


I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning @richonguzman Yes, I see. The only problem is that it won't boot when -1. In short: On the BV5DJ board, all the ESP PINs are busy = performs some function. So you need the possibility to replace the PIN for buzzer, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflaslight with a number (-1 is disabled by default) for which nothing happens. So if a value less than 0 is specified, don't use that PIN (even if the corresponding value is enabled) In this case the situation is now even worse than it was before.

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

well, can you do a map of the pinouts needed and also the config values it needs for this?

PS: I added this validations for -1 values on tracker Fw this morning @richonguzman Yes, I see. The only problem is that it won't boot when -1. In short: On the BV5DJ board, all the ESP PINs are busy = performs some function. So you need the possibility to replace the PIN for buzzer, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflaslight with a number (-1 is disabled by default) for which nothing happens. So if a value less than 0 is specified, don't use that PIN (even if the corresponding value is enabled) In this case the situation is now even worse than it was before.

Szetya commented 1 month ago

Nos, meg tudod csinálni a térképet a szükséges pinoutokról és az ehhez szükséges konfigurációs értékekről?

PS: Ma reggel hozzáadtam ezt az érvényesítést a -1 értékekhez az Fw trackerben @richonguzman Igen, látom. Az egyetlen probléma az, hogy nem indul el, ha -1. Röviden: A BV5DJ kártyán az összes ESP PIN-kód foglalt = valamilyen funkciót lát el. Tehát szükség van arra a lehetőségre, hogy a berregő, ledtx, ledmessage, ledflashlight PIN kódját lecserélje egy számra (a -1 alapértelmezés szerint le van tiltva), amelynél nem történik semmi. Tehát ha 0-nál kisebb érték van megadva, ne használja azt a PIN-kódot (még akkor sem, ha a megfelelő érték engedélyezve van). Ebben az esetben a helyzet most még rosszabb, mint korábban volt.

ifdef ESP32_BV5DJ_1W_LoRa_GPS

undef OLED_RST //Conflict with GPS TX pin

define OLED_RST -1 //Conflict with GPS TX pin

define GPS_RX 17

define GPS_TX 16

define BUTTON_PIN 0 //ENT

define RADIO_SCLK_PIN 18

define RADIO_MISO_PIN 19

define RADIO_MOSI_PIN 23

define RADIO_CS_PIN 5

define RADIO_RST_PIN 14 //NRST

define RADIO_DIO1_PIN 33

define RADIO_BUSY_PIN 39


define RADIO_TXEN 4


define BUTTON_UP 34 //joystick UP

define BUTTON_DOWN 35 //joystick DOWN

define BUTTON_LEFT 27 //joystick LEFT

define BUTTON_RIGHT 32 //joystick RIGHT

define SD_CS 13 //MicroSD card SlaveSelect

define GPS_PPS 26 //GPS PPS pin

define BATTERY_PIN 36 //ADC pin from voltage divider

define RGB_LED_PIN 12 //WS2812 LED GPIO

define LEDNUM 2 //WS2812 LEDs num's

define KEEP_ALIVE 25 //Trigger -pad in PCB

define DIO3_TCXO_REF 1.8 //DIO3 Reference Voltage

