Closed pine-marten closed 3 months ago
maybe its the filter to avoid listening to yourself (same ssid ) when you hear a (repeated) beacon which was "like you sended"
ts the filter to avoid listening to yourself
This is purely RF Tx, it's not connected to APRS-IS. The iGate never Tx's in response to the pinpoint command over the KISS modem - the green light doesn't come on. And only the position beacon, I can send messages OK from Pinpoint/APRS32
I'm happy to accept that using the same SSID is just a weird thing to try and do. It's not a killer issue, but I wasted some time trying to get it to work on the same SSID in testing. A warning saying don't use the same SSID on the KISS modem as the unit itself would save others the time finding that out ;)
Go to iGate WebUI and enable "accept own frames via KISS" in TNC section. Then it will work.
It definitly makes sense to have the same ssid in iGate and aprsdroid/pinpoint. Yes, you can also connect aprsdroid via KISS and the TCP/IP protocol to iGate
BR Mane
Then it will work.
It does now. Sometimes, and I am not able to determine why in a repeatable fashion :(
Thanks for confirming it wasn't barmy to set the same SSID. I've turned off the KISS modem now as these boards are cheap enough I'll make another tracker w/o GPS, and value this iGate for what it does well, being an iGate
running igate 2024.06.27 on a ttgo Lora32 v1.6
default_envs = ttgo-lora32-v21
Works fine, will Tx a beacon if I press the send beacon now web page button from the web page. Device set to MYCALL-11 (using my own callsign not MYCALL ;) APRS-IS is off, Enable TNC server is on
I am only looking at RF here. I Rx my signal from 32 miles away checking on So far so good.
I connect to the TNC using Pinpoint APRS set to MYCALL-11. This seemed a logical thing to do, the unit and its antenna is MYCALL-11.
Will send messages via Pinpoint. iGate will NOT transmit a position beacon from PP. If I change the SSID in pinpoint to anything else the beacon is sent from PP (as well as from the web page, but on their respective SSIDs)
Switched to APRS-IS 32. I observe the same oddity - will not send position beacon if KISS program has the same SSID
Is this a bug or am I doing something that is wrong? Oddly enough with the tracker 2024.07.01 I can set APRSdroid to the same call-SSID as the tracker and it's perfectly happy to send a beacon either by the standalone tracker or from APRSdroid Send Position, so this is inconsistent between devices