richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_iGate

LoRa APRS iGATE for ESP32 Based Board with Rx + Tx capabilities
MIT License
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Is support for the LILYGO®TTGO T-Echo and similar nRF52 boards possible? #25

Closed sdhuk closed 3 months ago

sdhuk commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for the work that you've put into this firmware. It's great.

I'm interested in developing a solar powered digipeater, and the ESP32 based boards are quite power hungry in comparison to the lora boards with lower powered microprocessors.

Many thanks once again,

Stuart MM7SHX

richonguzman commented 5 months ago


Do you have a T-echo?

Would love to start porting this firmware into more boards. But for now I don't have any t-echo available for this.

sdhuk commented 5 months ago

I do yes. I'd be happy to test any firmware you'd like on it. I'd even lend you it but it might be a bit far to post it to you though. :)

richonguzman commented 5 months ago

I still need to finish a few things on tracker on igate to have the time to start with this board

Can you wait?

sdhuk commented 5 months ago

Absolutely! Thanks so much for your work. I'm happy to help with testing whenever you're ready. All the best.

mugu57 commented 3 months ago

Hello Ricardo I would also love if we could use in future the T-Echo. One question which came up here. The best woudl be if you have one T-Echo at your premsies for testing. Can you order one via Amazon or Lillygo or any other online shop right now. May be the easiest thing would be that we sponsor you one T-Echo in transfering moeney to you via PayPal and then you have a chance to get it shipped directly to you. That would be much cheaper than shipping it form UK or Germany. Would that something which would help you? Just an idea. vy 73 de Michael DB2GM

travnewmatic commented 3 months ago

I second this!

I also have a T-Echo and would like to run your software on it. Happy to help test!

richonguzman commented 3 months ago

Hello Ricardo I would also love if we could use in future the T-Echo. One question which came up here. The best woudl be if you have one T-Echo at your premsies for testing. Can you order one via Amazon or Lillygo or any other online shop right now. May be the easiest thing would be that we sponsor you one T-Echo in transfering moeney to you via PayPal and then you have a chance to get it shipped directly to you. That would be much cheaper than shipping it form UK or Germany. Would that something which would help you? Just an idea. vy 73 de Michael DB2GM

I would love to start writing for this board too... I'm more than "ok" to receive it as a sponsorship to write for it.

write me an email or message me at telegram a the same github @user I have here for details.

sdhuk commented 3 months ago

Hopefully it should be fairly straightforward to support the wisblock too if the t-echo works. Happy to help with any testing!

mugu57 commented 3 months ago

Hello sdhuk Ricardo and I looked last week a bit inter Wisblock modules. The only restriction we found that the WiFi capability is missing which would be a serious problem in using it as an iGate. Do you have any experience with these Wisblock modules. vy 73 de Michael DB2GM

richonguzman commented 3 months ago

It seems this boards would be great for Trackers and Digirepeaters (and not for being used as iGates)

sdhuk commented 3 months ago

I think there's an ethernet module available for the wizblocks. My main interest is in using one of these boards as a solar digipeater though. I've no experience with the wisblocks... yet! They're quite popular in the meshtastic community though.

richonguzman commented 3 months ago

T-Echo has been ordered ;) (thanks for the sponsorship!)

I'will close this and continue on the tracker side as soon as it arrives !