richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_iGate

LoRa APRS iGATE for ESP32 Based Board with Rx + Tx capabilities
MIT License
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TTGO T-Internet-POE #93

Open f4dvk opened 1 month ago

f4dvk commented 1 month ago


Is it possible to add support for TTGO T-Internet?

Here is a version that supports it:

Thank you, Stephane.

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

Hi Stephane,

maybe one of this boards will get here soon to see what we can do ;)

S57PNX commented 1 month ago

Be careful, the factory TTGO T-Internet-POE by Lilygo DOES NOT have a LoRa radio on it! it only has ESP32 and ethernet.

The above link shows an additional LoRa "hat" that OE5BPA developed to attach to T-Internet-POE, to add the missing LoRa radio. However, this additional module is out of stock since last summer according to the web store.

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

I was testing a ESP32 with Ethernet W5500 with success !

but as I wanted to add the LORA, the SPI configuration (in the same esp32 + ethernet (over SPI)) got crazy and won't work , so I have to return to this or see if going ESP32S3 is the solution to have separated SPI path and make both work

S57PNX commented 1 month ago

Since the OE5BPA's LoRa hat is not available, I wonder if it would be possible to connect a T-Internet-Poe over SPI to a T-beam or a Lora ESP32 2.1.6, to achieve what we are looking for: esp32, lora radio and ethernet, all in one unit.

richonguzman commented 1 month ago

right now, in the test, esp32 + 2 SPI modules could not make it work... still more test in the future

BD5HTY commented 1 month ago

Be careful, the factory TTGO T-Internet-POE by Lilygo DOES NOT have a LoRa radio on it! it only has ESP32 and ethernet.

The above link shows an additional LoRa "hat" that OE5BPA developed to attach to T-Internet-POE, to add the missing LoRa radio. However, this additional module is out of stock since last summer according to the web store.

I'm in China and I can provide this module, but... it seems that the shipping cost is very expensive.