richonguzman / LoRa_APRS_iGate

LoRa APRS iGATE for ESP32 Based Board with Rx + Tx capabilities
MIT License
208 stars 65 forks source link

Heltec V3 SPIFFS mount failed #99

Closed MrTalon63 closed 4 months ago

MrTalon63 commented 4 months ago

Similarly to what author of the issue #98 has been experiencing. The OLED displays entry information and it hangs when trying to initilize LoRa

E (228) SPIFFS: mount failed, -10025
[   229][E][SPIFFS.cpp:89] begin(): Mounting��
Starting Station:    Version: 2024.05.17
Starting LoRa failed!

Flashed using platformio, using master branch. I have also tried erasing the flash using pio --target erase my iGate config file

    "callsign": "SP0KS-2",
    "wifi": {
        "autoAP": {
            "password": "1234567890",
            "powerOff": 10
        "AP": []
    "beacon": {
        "latitude": 52.493193,
        "longitude": 21.034547,
        "comment": "LoRa APRS 1k2 434.855MHz",
        "interval": 15,
        "overlay": "L",
        "symbol": "a",
        "path": "WIDE1-1",
        "sendViaAPRSIS": true,
        "sendViaRF": false
    "digi": {
        "mode": 2
    "tnc": {
        "enableServer": true,
        "enableSerial": false,
        "acceptOwn": false
    "aprs_is": {
        "active": true,
        "passcode": "17401",
        "server": "",
        "port": 14580,
        "filter": "m/10",
        "toRF": false
    "lora": {
        "txFreq": 434855000,
        "rxFreq": 434855000,
        "spreadingFactor": 9,
        "signalBandwidth": 125000,
        "codingRate4": 5,
        "power": 30,
        "txActive": true,
        "rxActive": true
    "display": {
        "alwaysOn": true,
        "timeout": 4,
        "turn180": false
    "syslog": {
        "active": false,
        "server": "",
        "port": 514
    "bme": {
        "active": false,
        "heightCorrection": 0,
        "temperatureCorrection": 0.0
    "ota": {
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    "other": {
        "rememberStationTime": 30,
        "sendBatteryVoltage": false,
        "externalVoltageMeasurement": false,
        "externalVoltagePin": 34,
        "lowPowerMode": false,
        "lowVoltageCutOff": 0
richonguzman commented 4 months ago

Hi, please install it over VSCODE as the "new" WebInstaller with the correction is not read , but the code on VSCODE is working fine.

until a few more days this is the only solution

PS: for VSCODE you need to import the project, select the correct environment for this board, upload firmware and then upload filesystem

MrTalon63 commented 4 months ago

I see what I did wrong, I did not read the whole wiki and missed the step with uploading file system to the board. I'm sorry for unnecessary issue, and thank you for such quick response.