richq / folders2flickr

Upload files to flickr
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Deleted sets are not recreated, photos were not added to sets if something went wrong #42

Open waywit opened 9 years ago

waywit commented 9 years ago


many thanks for maintaining the "folders2flickr" project... I have used the "originally" folders2flickr for some time now... with some manual fixes... but I think your way is far better...

I have found two issues testing a little bit with your rebuild folders2flickr version (git version with pip version of exifread):

  1. Photo sets which are deleted on flickr are not receated during skript run (like Issue #27 which is actually closed and also related to #18 )
  2. If photos are not added to their sets during script run (due to an error, like loosing internet connection), they are not re-added in a second script run. Only newly added photos are added to sets. This happens also if the set creation fails during run, so all photos uploaded for this set will never be added to a set, unless a new photo appears in the folder.

I think both issues are related to each other... I think there are the following problems:

Thanks and best regards Jens

richq commented 9 years ago

Right, this is an annoying problem.

Check for all sets and compare to the ones the script "knows about" seems possible, since getting all sets and checking locally is not too slow. However, listing sets seems really slow (i.e. set1, get photoids, set2, get photo ids....) - so recreating all sets would be very tedious I think.

One of the forks has a WIP script that recreates the history I think, I'll have to check it out and see what can be done. I keep meaning to add options, so an optional --recreate-sets would be good. Doing it every time is what I worry about because I'm impatient! :-D