richq / folders2flickr

Upload files to flickr
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altaroca fork: No set created #62

Open c0ch0n opened 6 years ago

c0ch0n commented 6 years ago

Hi, I use the altaroca fork and it works quite well. Great job and OAuth authentication, upload of pictures and movies works. But no set is created, it don't use folder name to create the set. I don't know why. Thanks for your help.

My uploadr.ini is: ``

`#` Location to scan for new images (no trailing \)
# Example: imagedir = d:\pictures
imagedir = /mnt/nas8/_Photos

# File we keep the history of uploaded images in.
history_file = history

#visible 1, invisible 0
public = 0
friend = 0
family = 0

# Keep in the global search result:
# hidden = 1
# Hide from public searches (if not set, this is the default):
hidden = 2

# set this to true if name of the auto generated flickr sets should be only name of the last sub folder 
# e.g. Crete when folder is d:\testpictures\holidays\Crete\123img.jpg
only_sub_sets  = false

# set full_folder_tags to true if you wish to override the original (default) parsing 
# of folder tags and instead treat each sub-folder name as a complete tag.
# Example: 
# /path to/my picture/
# false (Default), tags are parsed: "path" "to" "my" "picture"
# true, tags are parsed: "path to" "my picture"
full_folder_tags = true

# Override Flickr Dates. Let Flickr figure out dates, or override them after image upload
# date_taken is usually taken from EXIF
# date_posted is usually the UNIX timestamp of the upload datetime
# override_dates: 0=NO (default), 1=YES
# date_taken_type: 0: default (let Flickr choose), 1 use EXIF date, 2 fixed date
# date_posted_type: 0: default (let Flickr choose), 1 use EXIF date, 2 fixed date
# date_taken_fixed:  mysql format date e.g. 2010-01-31 13:04:05
# date_posted_fixed: UNIX timestamp e.g. 14960583869
# date_taken_granularity: 0=Y-m-d H:i:s (default), 4=Y-m, 6=Y, 8=Circa
# date_posted_granularity: 0=Y-m-d H:i:s (default), 4=Y-m-31 23:59:59, 6=Y-12-31 23:59:59
# date_posted_utc: GMT zone (Flickr defaults to UTC). Number of hours to be subtracted for obtaining an UTC timestamp from EXIF or fixed date_posted, e.g. +1 or 1 or -6
override_dates = 0

# Key and Hash codes. Use those established by the original folders2flicker author (default below)
# or alternately request your own from Flickr.
