richterger / Perl-LanguageServer

Language Server for Perl
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Provide some help on shutting down due to too many crashes #122

Open janlimpens opened 2 years ago

janlimpens commented 2 years ago

At least when the plugin can't connect to the server 5 times, and it stops trying, log output could tell people to try to restart the process. Ideally, this would be provided as an action (c-s-P). There also could be some action to allow retrying the process other than restarting code itself.

I do

sudo netstat -plten | grep 13603
kill -9 pid
omena89 commented 2 years ago

give this cmd a try

ps ax | grep LanguageServer | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill; and reload vscode window

janlimpens commented 2 years ago

ps ax | grep LanguageServer | grep -v \"grep\" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill;

That's a nice snippet! For me, it was

ps ax | grep LanguageServer | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill;

, though.

omena89 commented 2 years ago

@janlimpens sry. copy paste. this snippet is a copy from my vscode workspace. I installed the "adrianwilczynski.terminal-commands" extension for running this command in a console. but it should be working with the vscode buildin "Tasks"

richterger commented 2 years ago

pkill -f Lang is even shorter (maybe use LanguageServer in case there is another process with Lang in the name)