richterger / Perl-LanguageServer

Language Server for Perl
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No way to pass options to debug runner from launch.json #125

Closed mpetronic closed 2 years ago

mpetronic commented 2 years ago

I would like to be able to setup a launch configuration to pass the equivalent of "perl -I/some/module/path" when debugging. For various reasons, I don't want to use PERL5LIB or any "use lib /some/path" in the code. Other application launchers sometimes include launch options like "runtimeArgs" as an array of values to be passed into the launch runner which are separate and different from the typical "Args" that are passed into the that is being run. This does not appear to be supports by this plug.

Is there any way to do this with this extension that I might be missing?

richterger commented 2 years ago

Just use the perlInc setting. That's an array and all elements will be added with -I to the perl commandline