rickecon / wealthtax

Model for Scoring Wealth Tax and Increased Progressivity in Income Tax - Python Based
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Post-processing script(s) #15

Closed jdebacker closed 7 years ago

jdebacker commented 8 years ago

This issue is to create a post-processing script (or set of them). Model output for the baseline and reforms will be saved in pickles. The post-process script(s) will take these and:

  1. Create relevant tabular output for paper (saving to csv or outputting tex code).
  2. Create the relevant figures for the paper.
jdebacker commented 8 years ago

These scripts should also produce tables that aren't final outputs of the model, such as a table of parameter values the were used for the simulations.

jdebacker commented 7 years ago

This issue was resolved with the addition of wealthtax_figures.py and the wealthtax_tables.py scripts in PR #21