rickecon / wealthtax

Model for Scoring Wealth Tax and Increased Progressivity in Income Tax - Python Based
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Combine SS.py files #6

Closed evan-magnusson closed 9 years ago

evan-magnusson commented 9 years ago

Combine the SS_oldincome.py, SS_init_init.py, and SS.py files into one SS.py file. Old_income should be an easy deletion, just add an extra loop to SS_init_init, and an if statement if it is the first round through the loop.

evan-magnusson commented 9 years ago

SS_oldincome.py has been eliminated, as we don't need that data set for good initial guesses.

evan-magnusson commented 9 years ago

In doing this, we will also get rid of the looping of thetas, if possible.

evan-magnusson commented 9 years ago

Finished. Now SS.py handles the steady state simulation for initial guesses, calibrating the chi's, and solving for the steady state before and after the tax changes.