rickhelmus / patRoon

Workflow solutions for mass-spectrometry based non-target analysis.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error: newProject()/Tp Screening unable to add parent suspect list #100

Closed PiaSchuenemann closed 4 months ago

PiaSchuenemann commented 5 months ago


I am trying to use your transformation product screening option. If i write a small parent suspect list manually the screening afterwards is working.

parents <- data.frame(name = c("6PPD"), SMILES = c("CC(C)CC(C)NC1=CC=C(C=C1)NC2=CC=CC=C2"), formula = c("C18H24N2"))

If I am trying to use the same information in a csv file and upload it in newProject()/TP SCreening/Parent suspect list I get an error:

failed to open/parse selected csv file

Does the csv file have to fulfill a certain format? I have tried various things and also exported my manually created table as a csv. But even this cannot be used via the newProject() function.

Thanks Pia

rickhelmus commented 5 months ago

Hi Pia,

The CSV file should just follow the format as your data.frame example. Perhaps you could share the file? If you created the file with Excel, it sometimes makes a mess out of it ;-)

PiaSchuenemann commented 5 months ago


The csv file containts the same informations as the data.frame.

rickhelmus commented 5 months ago

Hi Pia,

The file seems to work fine for me. Which version of patRoon do you have installed?

PiaSchuenemann commented 5 months ago

Hi Rick,

I am working with patRoon 2.3.1. You said the file is okay. Therefore I tested it on a different computer and it worked completly fine. We found out that it was a problem with the access permissions on my computer to certain directories. When the file is saved on the desktop, everything works. Also when R is run as administrator. We are currently fixing the problem.

Thank you for your quick reply. Pia

rickhelmus commented 4 months ago

Hi Pia,

Good to hear you are progressing to find a solution. For now I will close this issue, but feel free to re-open if you think it's needed.

Thanks, Rick