rickhelmus / patRoon

Workflow solutions for mass-spectrometry based non-target analysis.
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Added get and plot methods for TICs and BPCs #99

Closed ricardo-cunha closed 4 months ago

ricardo-cunha commented 5 months ago

Hi Rick,

I added get and plot methods for TICs and BPCs in features and featureGroups. Have a look if that goes towards what we discussed. If so, I would go no with other extraction methods. I added another mzR function but that would then be iteractive with the backend selected.

Cheers, Ricardo

rickhelmus commented 5 months ago

Great, thanks!

Some general things I forgot to mention before:

Thanks, Rick

ricardo-cunha commented 4 months ago

Hi Rick,

alright, have a look at the analysisInfo data.frame methods. I hope it goes along with your idea. I took the initiative to build a new .Rd for the analysisInfo data.frame methods as the idea is to expand. I hope is ok. To assert the analysisInfo df, I used the already present function. Is it enough? I adapted the feature and featureGroups to use the data.frame methods for TIC and BPC. Added author, tests (see if it is as you expected) and a news entry as you suggested.

Cheers, Ricardo

rickhelmus commented 4 months ago

Great, thanks!

I added a few minor changes (mainly stylistic) and rebased to master. For the latter I had to do a force push.

Thanks, Rick