ricknout / lens-launcher

A unique, efficient way to browse and launch your apps
Apache License 2.0
213 stars 61 forks source link

When using the google pixel, the decoded bitmap is null, so need to get the drawable and convert that to a bitmap #18

Closed premnirmal closed 7 years ago

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

fixes issue https://github.com/nicholasrout/lens-launcher/issues/17

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

Thanks @nicholasrout . Question: when do you plan on releasing?

ricknout commented 7 years ago

@premnirmal working on a few other things (improved launch animation and search) for release. Can do a quick release with this fix if it is affecting your usage?

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

No worries, it's not urgent. Thanks

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

Actually, is it possible to get a quick update with this fix in the play store? Not being able to launch the calendar app is becoming a pain

ricknout commented 7 years ago

Hi @premnirmal - I'm currently working on quite a few new features and should be done soon