ricknout / lens-launcher

A unique, efficient way to browse and launch your apps
Apache License 2.0
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Increase max icon size #24

Closed premnirmal closed 7 years ago

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

30 seems pretty low for my phone (Google Pixel). I always have it set to max, but would like to increase it a bit more because I don't have many apps on my home screen. Changing it to 45 seems to look nice.

DeadneM commented 7 years ago

Why not more? Smart launcher can go up to more than 78. Lens app seems to be too small on high dpi device. And so the current icon size looks always small. And go below 30 is non-sense. If dev look at this. Please take in considaration to make it possible to go to something like 100.

ricknout commented 7 years ago

I think 45dp is a fair increase for now. I'll experiment with resource qualifiers to get a an appropriate scale for high dpi devices.

premnirmal commented 7 years ago

Got the update, thanks for the mention :)