ricknout / lens-launcher

A unique, efficient way to browse and launch your apps
Apache License 2.0
213 stars 61 forks source link

Google Chrome web page shortcut in home not appearing #25

Open IrbeinTepes opened 7 years ago

IrbeinTepes commented 7 years ago

I created a shortcut via my web browser (Chrome), and it didn't appeared in my home screen, everything is working as it should, in another launcher.

DeadneM commented 7 years ago

Because this launcher display app list only. No widget. No shortcut or other fancy things

IrbeinTepes commented 7 years ago

it's a shortcut to a JRPG browser game, I won't likely open my browser and navigate to play the game, I do love this launcher, but if it doesn't fit my needs anymore, maybe it's time to say goodbye.

it might have some native solution, I hope that you guys improve it, I'm using it for the past 2 years or so

DeadneM commented 7 years ago

I'm not the developer. But as we're on github we're all devs here ^^.

Push a pullrequest or git clone the project and compile it with your changes. It's what I'm doing

ricknout commented 7 years ago

I'd be happy to support this, but currently have no idea about the following: a) How to fetch a list of currently pinned web shortcuts b) Which broadcast should be listened to in order to determine when a new web shortcut is added

I can do some digging in the Launcher3 source code, but any details would be appreciated

ulearnadmin commented 6 years ago

Hi Nick, first of all, thank you for developing and sharing Lens Launcher. It is one of the most innovative apps I have ever seen, and I have been using it on a daily basis.

I also wish it could display shortcuts. I thought of a way that might make development easy: can you add an option in the settings that allows users to manually add shortcuts. It would be great if the shortcuts can be things users do all the time, like opening a web link, adding a calendar event, composing an email, etc.